13 April 2011

Rolling the dice

Saw the RE this morning - again I forgot to get all the details I wanted, but here's what I've got:

Lining: 7.5 (I must have been wrong Monday, or maybe he measured in a different place today.
Follicles: Right - 21,20,20,?? Left - 13,12,12,10,??

In any case, we're set to trigger tonight at 1 AM, as seeing as I only got about 3 and a half hours of sleep last night, I'm headed back to bed to put my head down, and read, and hopefully get sleepy and pass out for a bit.  I'd better remember to set an alarm.

Retrieval is at noon on Friday.  Wish us luck, and here we go!

(oh yeah, somehow we're supposed to get our freak on tonight...)


  1. Best of luck for your retrieval... thinking of you every step of the way xoxo

  2. Wishing you the very best of luck!!!

  3. Good luck to you. I hope everything goes well on Friday !

  4. Good luck! And you know what? You could still get more eggs than he thinks :-) thinking of you!

  5. Bets of luck!! I agree with Kakunaa you never know!! Love, Fran

  6. Yay for triggering! And it seems your lining got better~~now all we need is lots of eggs! Sometimes the follicles can hold more than one egg so hopefully that's the case in some of these. Grow eggies grow!

    Good luck!!

  7. Oh how cool that we are retrieving on the same day! Do you have to go back in today (Thurs) for blood work? I have to go in for that and they will do my vitals and I get more instructions.

    Your follicles are bigger than mine, so a higher chance of the eggs being more mature, and like some others said, he may find more eggs than he thinks! I can't wait to hear what your find out on Friday. Darn the two hour time difference!

  8. Good luck!! You may have more eggs in there than you thought! I am hopeful that one of them is it :)

  9. Good luck! I've got everything crossed for you guys!

  10. Good luck with your retrieval, Jenny!! We'll be thinking of you!!

  11. Best of luck to you! I hope things go better than expected! So exciting!

  12. Good luck with ET... I'm sure it will go well.

  13. Hey, so excited for you tomorrow! Glad you are going ahead, sounds like there are at least SOME good ones in there - so have faith in the lab, they are excellent. Best of luck - will be thinking of you.

  14. I feel like it was just yesterday when we were all still trying to figure out what our plan was, and now here we are all doing ivf. what a year its been!

    Good luck getting it on tonight before your trigger - I felt so full and tender that there was no way were gonna get any action the night before my retrieval!

    We'll all be right here waiting for your report! take care sweetie!


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