The Money

This is where I start to break down the amount of money we have spent so far - out of pocket, and paid by insurance.

I managed to get quite a lot covered at the beginning because of my endometriosis, and a bout of possible PID, plus the fact that we hadn't been trying yet (I just had suspicions it wasn't going to be easy).  It has helped quite a bit.  I've marked in light green where we start to go completely out of pocket.

Below our costs so far are the estimated costs and fees from the RE.

Costs So Far:

Procedure/Visit/Appt. Description
We Paid
Insurance Paid Billed Amount
(Cash Price)
PCP Visit (Jenni - May 09) $15.00* $200.00 $215.00
Day 3 Bloodwork (Jenni - June 09) $0.00 $385.59 $385.59
Ultrasound (Jenni - June 09) $0.00 $311.81 $502.00
Repeat CD3 (Jenni - July 09) $0.00 $275.70 $275.70
Beta (Jenni - July 09) $0.00 $45.34 $45.34
HSG (Jenni - July 09) $15.00* $326.43 $523.00
PCP Visit  (Jenni - Jan 10) $15.00* $103.00 $118.00
OB\GYN Visit  (Jenni - Jan 10) $15.00* $65.84 $99.00
Semen Analysis (Jakobe - Feb 10) $100.00 $0.00 $100.00
Blood tests (Jakobe - Mar 10) $0.00* $25.76 $148.00
Urologist Appt. (Jakobe - Apr 10) $35.00* $329.93 $401.00
RE Visit w/US  (Jenni - Jun 10) $505.00 $0.00 $505.00
CD3 Labs w/RE  (Jenni - Jun 10) $235.00 $0.00 $235.00
Cultures w/RE (Jenni - Jun 10) $0.00 $261.26 $261.26
Repeat SA (Jakobe - Sept 10) $0.00 $21.65 $150.00
Repeat Day 3 Labs - (Jenni - Feb 11) $235.00 $0.00 $235.00
Infectious Disease Testing (Jenni - Feb 11) $0.00 $788.25 $788.25
Infectious Disease Testing (Jakobe - Feb 11) $0.00 $581.30 $1162.48
IVF Prepayment to RE (28 Feb. 2011) $18,300.00 $0.00 $18,300.00
Marriage Counseling (ongoing) $0.00 $420.00 $560.00
Medications (ongoing)$75.20$17.89 $93.09
Supplements (ongoing) $267.32 $0.00 $267.32
Totals: $19,812.52 $4,159.75$25,370.03

RE Estimates:

One Try Plan:
IVF $8,360.00
Anesthesia $600.00
ICSI $1800.00
Medications $2,500-$5,000.00
Possible Costs
Embryo Cryo $600.00
Sperm Cryo $150.00
Embryo Storage (1 year) $350.00
Cost for 1st Attempt: $13,260-$16,860.00
  • Two fresh attempts: $26,520 to $33,720.
  • Three fresh attempts: $39,780.00 to $50,580.00.
Multiple Cycles:
Note:  this information changed in Mid February - I've included the updated information as best I can...
Service Cost
Upfront Fee (pay once)
IVF $16,500.00
Recurring Fees (per Attempt)
Anesthesia $600.00
ICSI $1800.00
Medications $2500-$5000.00
Possible Costs
Embryo Vitrification $600.00
Sperm Cryo $150.00
Embryo Storage (1 Year) $350.00
Costs for 1st attempt: $21,400-$25,000.00
  • Two fresh attempts: $26,300 to $33,500.
  • Three fresh attempts: $31,200.00 to $42,000.00.
  • This would also now include a 4th transfer of previously frozen embryos, if available...
This page was last edited on 8 March 2011.
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