20 April 2011

No go.

There will be no transfer today. We had one early blast, and one not quite blast, so they'll lt them go until tomorrow and freeze what they can.
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  1. Hi Jenni,
    I hope those little embies grow! Stay strong...xo

  2. Sorry to hear that. Hang in there! It ain't over 'til it's over!
    -Mrs. C.

  3. So sorry sun. It is just too much.

    Hoping they are able to freeze both embies tomorrow, and that they are able to give more options for the next cycle.

  4. Are they considering a transfer tomorrow, or only a freeze? I did 2 6-day transfers, and was actually pg both times (briefly!)

    On the other hand, if they get good blasts and "freeze" them, your body can frecover from the insane drugs (retrieval) before you do transfer. It sucks to have to wait, but it may turn out better that way.

    Best of luck Jen, you're in my thoughts.

  5. So frustrating. I hope that they grow strong and this is just a minor hurdle on the way to good news.

  6. You must be so emotionally drained right now. I am so sorry you didn't get to do the transfer today but it looks like they are fighting to stick around.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm so sorry. I hope that they grow and can be transferred or frozen tomorrow. In my cycle, I had an early blast transferred and a morula. Nothing made it to freeze, but one made of the transferred ones made it. Good luck.

  9. Sending you love and growing vibes to your little ones... sorry that there's no transfer today. Every step is such a nightmare... thinking of you during this difficult time xoxo

  10. Hang in there. My little one was a day-6 slow blast. There's hope! Love, Fran

  11. Hang in there. My little one was a day-6 slow blast. There's hope! Love, Fran

  12. Thinking of you girl. I'm sorry this hasn't been an easy process.

  13. I have the questions the others have, can you transfer tomorrow? Those are so pretty tough standards, I wonder why they have such a policy in place. You have two pretty good looking embryos, I hope they take up residence in your uterus soon.

  14. It.is.no.over.yet.
    Sending you and your beautiful embabies good good vibes.

  15. Grow embies grow! Let's get your mama some babies!

  16. I'm sorry to hear that but hopefully freezing them will give your body a good break to start fresh with an FET. (((hugs))) sweetie.


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