18 April 2011

It’s about time…

…for us to get a bit of good news for a change.  And what do you know, it happened.
My nurse called this morning, and was very solicitous.  She asked a couple of times how I was doing, and it made me very nervous, because it made me expect more bad news.  But – That wasn’t the case.  She was actually calling to tell me that we had 2 embryos at the 8 cell stage.  Yeah, Two!

I was perplexed, because on Saturday morning we were told that only one had fertilized, and I didn’t know how one could turn into two at this point, so I was shocked.  I asked her, and she said that one had fertilized late, but had caught up.

Being flustered - and crying with relief (I had let myself believe that today was going to be more bad news) I didn’t ask for any more information.  I don’t know that she would have had more to give me, although if she had been able to tell me if there were fragmentation, or the grades of our little 8 celled embies, I would have latched on to that.  As it is, she said that there were both on track right now, and looking good.

So I guess right now our cast of characters is:
  • The Little Embie that Could
  • The Late Bloomer

 ***Update***:  my clinic only does 5 day transfers, and then only if you have expanded blasts.


    1. woohoo, yeah!!!! Go little embies! This is such great news. Are they planning on a day 5 transfer?

    2. Oh my goodness! That is so wonderful! I am so very happy for you. So I guess you will do a 5 day transfer then, since today is day 3. I have to go read the post a second time because I sped-read because I got so excited!

    3. Oh I am so relieved for you! Awesome news!!!!!!!! Are you feeling okay?

    4. Woohoo!!! I'm so happy for you!! GROW EMBIES GROW

    5. That is so awesome!! Grow, grow, grow!!

    6. Great news Jenni! So will your transfer be on Wednesday or Thursday?! Mine is Thursday!!! You'll be my 2WW buddy!!

    7. Oh wow! Great news! Keep growing embies, keep growing!

    8. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! That is great news!! I'm really happy that you got this surprise update. Too cool!

    9. Wow that is such great news just when you needed it!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for both those little embies

    10. best news yet! and what a great surprise to hear that you have two!

    11. You have overachievers already! That's wonderful news!

    12. Oh this is brilliant news!! So thrilled!! Love, Fran

    13. Hooray! That is indeed fabulous news, I was wondering if they might do that. The lab here is great, I think they just keep trying for days! Sending good thoughts your way...

    14. Sorry I haven't kept up better. What a ride, eh?

      I know 2 isn't exactly a wished for number, but you really just don't know when it will work until it does.

      I am sending lots of happy, growing thoughts to your perfect little embryos.

    15. Hey Jenni, just want you to know I've been following your story closely and am rooting for you all in regards to the latest developments!

    16. Good luck! It's wonderful to have good news!


    Have an observation, comment, or advice? Please share, I need all the help I can get.

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