07 July 2010

Not-Quite-Wordless Wednesday: Fourth of July Weekend

My nephew lost his first tooth - it took 45 minutes of concerted effort on his part.

Meg's adorable dog was doing well after his encounter with a truck..  He's in for surgery to repair his dislocated hip this week.

I got to see my grandparents:  and now you get to see my grandfather!

And - I took pictures of fireworks that I just have to share with everyone.


  1. I love your photos :) the one of your grandfather is especially happy to me! Love, love, love.

  2. You have a great eye for the perfect picture. The missing tooth is classic! and I love pictures of grandpas.

    Hope that you are having a good week, -Foxy

  3. Wow, that is amazing fireworks picture!


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