I sure hope the first parents know you're doing this!! I cannot imagine any first mom would let an amom planning to dump a teeny-tiny baby in daycare!!!
24 May 2012
A blog first
I sure hope the first parents know you're doing this!! I cannot imagine any first mom would let an amom planning to dump a teeny-tiny baby in daycare!!!
17 May 2012
Induced Lactation - The results
The lactation consultant calls it a miracle - mostly because I have never ever been even a little bit pregnant.
At last check Niko was getting about 1/4 to 1/2 and ounce from me when breastfeeding - so we're supplementing with a lot of first mom's pumped breast milk. Our current goal is to introduce no formula until she's at least a month old. She's also getting almost all of her nutrition at the breast, with the help of a Lact-Aid. While I may not make anywhere near enough milk for her, there are so many other benefits that I'm not giving up. Nothing calms he down when she's upset faster that being put to the breast, and the little sleepy satiated smiles that she gives when she's full but still suckling are among the best ever. We'll keep this up as long as we can.
It's been so worth it.
15 May 2012
On the Fist Week of Motherhood
- On Monday, we went to court with first Mom while she relinquished their rights to Niko. When she came out of the courtroom I could tell that it was hard for her, but all she did was give me a great big hug, and tell me “She's yours now.”
On Tuesday, we saw the pediatrician, and the lactation consultant for the first time. Both appointments went well, but We learned that I am not all that great at getting Niko to latch correctly, and it was affecting my minimal supply in a negative manner. (I was an excellent student at the brain based stuff – but sports and coordination we not really my forte, and correct latching should be an Olympic sport.) Also – My sister and brother in law came over to visit.- Wednesday, We didn't do much. My Mom came to visit on her way home from work. Just a lot of practicing and trying to make breastfeeding work better. Plus we were on an every 2 Hour schedule. (from start to start. Wake, feed, supplement, pump, sleep in whatever time was left) The while first family came over for dinner.
- Thursday, First mom went home in the early afternoon. I lent her one of my hospital grade rental pumps to use, instead of a manual pump. Hopefully it works better for her, and helps her out when she goes back to work. Thursday Night the whole family came back – So the dads could talk about one of their hobbies. Honestly – I just wanted to sleep.
- Friday, back to the lactation consultant. I'm still only makking about ½ an ounce of milk per feeding, but – I no longer have to pump in the middle of the night, and I have learned how to use the lact-aid, so w can breastfeed and supplement at the same time, and it should help my supply more than the breast pump did. My best friend and her finacee came over for our normal friday get-together, and he made us dinner. I love them!(...pause to feed the baby, and maybe run errands)
05 May 2012
Introducing Niko
26 March 2012
Bit by bit
I don't have a whole lot to contribute to the ALI world right now. We're waiting. And waiting. I would guess that this is probably pretty close to the way it feels when you're pregnant and waiting for the baby to put in her appearance, it's also completely unreal, because I'm not pregnant, so the tangible part has to be taken on faith.
We're still working our way through money issues, because we are far from rich. I've been calling daycares, and $650 a month is sounding like it's a good deal, the one I talked to yesterday was $50 a day, or more than $1000 a month. Yikes. Almost makes me want to consider making a Jakobe a stay-at-home dad. But not quite, we need his health insurance - for him. So, more searching, and I don't even have a clue about how you're supposed to look for one.
I've washed lots and lots of baby clothes, and we still need to put together her dresser, but since we're not finishing her room until the egress window goes in (this week hopefully) It seems a little ahead of myself to set up the dresser - but where in the heck am I supposed to put her clothes in the meanwhile? Dilemmas.
The bane-of-my-existance-carseat is in my car, and Jakobe's teddy bear from his childhood has been driving around with me for a week. Thankfully, he's rear-facing, so H can't tell any tales of what an adventure it is to ride in the car with me. While I'm on leave, Jakobe and I will mostly be switching cars, it doesn't make sense for me to have the Prius sitting in our driveway while Jakobe drives the Jetta to work, wasting massive amounts of gas the whole 5 miles. I *so* want his commute.
We should pick up an infant carseat for the other car, but I'm now seriously considering buying a cheapish one and putting up with some of the inconvenient features becayse we probably will use it for less than a year. I've been offered hand me down's but since thi original user is now more than 6 years old, it makes me nervous, and I think I'll be buying new.
No real progress on the breastfeeding front. I bought the tubing an accessories for the hospital grade pump, and they also convert into a double manual pump. I can actually get something using the pump now, but hand expression is still better, if almost nil. End of this week I'll order the domperidone, and the rental pump, and then it's off to the moo-cow races.
14 March 2012
Caught in the Middle...
...between my hisband and reality
...between fuck if I know
It's been a while since I updated all of you out here in the blogosphere about what's going on with us. and that's mostly becasue a lot has been going on, and I've bbeen going crazy with trying to figure out how to put everything together and make this work.
The biggest hurdles right now are financial. Why? Becasue the expenses of this Adoption have ballooned to be almost twice what we were led to believe at the outset, and that's becasue they are our friends and are being nice, it could have ballooned even more. This is some expensive shit. Honestly though, it's not like I didn't know that were were going to be going into some major debt for this. We didn't have any time to save, and we blew all of our savings on IVF last year. So, as much as we're not really poor, we are very definately broke. And - it sucks.
A bigger problem is communication, and getting blindsided with expenses at unexpected times. So after we talked about medical expenses earlier, and I thought we might have the start of a plan, we got a call from our lawyer today saying that he needed a check from us for $900. Today. Aargh. Anyway, it's done - taken care of. And, although I had to use my grediut card, I got a pretty good deal on the interest rate - for now.
In other news. I now have a bunch of hand me down clothes and diapers and diaper covers that are currently being washed and then will be folded and put away. and - I have some adorable new stuff that came in the mail as a present for *BLOG NAME NOT YET DETERMINED* - Thank you Foxy!
So, we're a lot closer. We still need an infant carseat and a crib. I was initially thinking about a co-sleeper, but I think we'll side car the crib instead. But - We're not going to have a cold nekkid baby. And we got this awesome room divider thing to use as a dresser. We can set it on end right now so that it's easy for us to use, but then we can later put it on it's side so that all the drawers are easy for her to reach. I love this idea!
I'm waiting for the accessory kit for the breastpump to get to me, and wondering why it take so long (and $10) to ship something 4 miles. I'm also getting ready to order the domperidone, cause we're getting closer tio me starting to take that. On the breastfeeding/milkmaking front I'm mostly where I was before. IU've3 got some dribbles, but that's about it. We'll see what happens when the dom and the breast pump make it into the mix.
We've also pretty much finalized out leave plans. I'm going to take 6 weeks. It'll use up all of my vacation and sick leave, but I can basically swing it. Then Jakobe will take 2 weeks, and then, then it's daycare. Any good tips on finding one?
So, I guess to tie it all up, we're broke, going for broker, and I'm sitting here winding down at the end of my day with a large glass of port.
02 March 2012
on Sleep
We have:
- A convertible Carseat
- A hand-me-down pack in play (I like hand-me-downs)
- Two Onesies
- One Bib
- One bag of swag from the midwife (3 bottles of liquid formula)
- a Secretary desk I think I can use as a dresser/changing table
Anyway, I assume that all of this is a good thing, and am happy to say that we have a wall put up in the soon to be Master & Nursery. This weekend we need to texture, and try and move the guest furniture up to the "man cave" so that it can be stored there while the window goes in. That and I want to have a date with my husband. It'll all fit somehow.
Look at our new Wall:
23 February 2012
is thin-skinned
easily burst
The slightest breeze of envy
causes it to ripple
and shift around me
it shudders
leaving me to wonder
if I can stay on solid ground
and fly away
its rainbow hues
seems less than real
and more
I step carefully
shifting only slightly
to be crushed by reality
or to float away
carried in the wind
of a new dream
I wrote the poem yesterday, and on Saturday we have the home visit for our Home-study. Or family and friends have been amazingly helpful and supportive, and we've gotten a lot done, but I still can't help but feel totally and completely nervous. What if something goes wrong?
I'm also feeling a bit sad to go along with all of the excitement. Sad about ht parts of this experience that I don't get to have. I'm working my way through it, but I didn't exactly think that all of the feelings about my infertility were going to go away just because we're adopting. I still have to deal with them. It's easier, and harder. Easier, because I don't fear that we'll never get to be parents. Harder because I feel a little bit guilty for my sadness in a way that I didn't before.
I'm sorry that I've been pretty quiet over here. I've been focused on doing things here instead of writing about doing things, and When I get involved with my life and have less angst, I seem to write less. We'll see how things go from here on out.
I *did* make my very first quilt for her. and I'll share a picture of it with you.
--Sharing this late, because somehow I forgot to hit the publish button....
14 January 2012
Making Milk
I will be using domperidone (she prefers not to use Reglan, and it's contraindicated for me anyway) because I'm okay with ordering it online, and not freaked out by the slightly behind the government's back way of doing things. She does say that the dom should be actually approved sometime next year.
So - Here's the plan:
- When we are about 12-13 weeks out from the due date, I start taking Yaz continuously.
- At 2-3 weeks before the due date, I start adding the dom.
- Starting dosage for the dom is 2 tablets three times a day - continue at that dose for 5-7 days
- Continuing dosage of the dom is 3 tablets 3 times a day (can go slightly higher - max is 4 tabs 3 times a day)
- When we go to the higher dose of dom, we stop the Yaz, and start pumping and hand expression 8 times a day (and one of those will be in the middle of the night, if not 2).
11 January 2012
Enter the whirlwind
Is this the appropriate moment to say "Holy Sh*t!"?
In any case. We all have an appointment with the Lawyer next Thursday, and I have an appointment with the Lactation Consultant this Friday. We got most of our home-study packet last night, and I, at least, have started working on it. To be fair, Jakobe was busy after it got here last night, and then he was at work today, so I can't expect him to have done all that much :)
I'm excited, and nervous, and scared. I made my best friend go looking at BRU last night to burn off nervous energy. No. I did not buy anything. I keep thinking off all the million things that we have to do, and worrying that we're not going to be good enough for the social worker, and we won't have a clean enough house (I'm thinking about enlisting M-I-L to that end.)
As a side note, it was amazing how un-monumental our appointment with the RE on Monday felt. Basically, he didn't tell us anything we didn't expect to hear. We're a little bit screwed on that front. Oh well. He still couldn't burst my bubble.
Anyway - anyone with experience with adoptive breastfeeding. Let me know how your experience went. I'm curious, and that's my plan.
Also - the expectant parents are wonderful and generous beyond words, and I can't express how much what they are doing means to us, and how sad I am for them at the same time. I can't imagine.