Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts

07 November 2011

The post I owed you yesterday...

...but I skipped because I wasn't doing anything.  It was my birthday, and my prerogative.  I had a very lazy day. Especially if you don't count getting up at the crack of dawn to go to the RE's office and have an ultrasound wand shoved up my hoo-ha and my arms poked with needles to remove my lifeblood.  But all in all it wasn't bad.

It was pretty good, and I had good News from the doctors office - all is proceeding according to plan.  I'm getting a little nervous, because now I only have about two and a half Gonal-F pens left.  and I'm pretty sure I'm right on the edge because if the timing matches last time, then I'll be triggering tomorrow night, and I won't need the extra, but If I follow the calendar I'm short.  I need to remember to talk to them about it tomorrow.,

Does anyone else suddenly feel even more bloated right after they do their injections?  It's like I know that I'm not actually any more uncomfortable than I was two minutes before, but suddenly it's like I can feel my ovaries expanding, yet again.  Plus - I feel like I have to fart - all the time, and I just can't (well not much, I *am* farting as much as possible because I feel like it's giving me a little release.)

...and now that I have crossed the TMI line all over again, we can return to our regular programming.

My birthday was great.  Jakobe and Heather bought me a ticket to a wine tasting and benefit, and we had a wonderful time.  We all went out for sushi beforehand.  Heather and I enjoyed it immensely, while Jakobe explored all of the non sushi items on the conveyor belt.  At the benefit I bought 3 small bottles of a port that I like, Even though I already have a bottle here at home, because it was available at a discount.  Now I don't have to worry about opening up a bottle - because I still have a couple more.  Anyway, that was the night before, on my birthday itself, with the exception of the part mentioned above, we hung around the house, watched TV and movies, ignored our chores, and went to Red Lobster for Endless Shrimp.

Details from the Doctor's office:

  • E2 - 1657
  • Progesterone - 1.19
  • Follicles - they still counted 11, 5 on the left, 6 on the right.  Almost all of them were 15mm, one measured 16, and there was one - (I'm not sure if it was part of the count) - at 12mm.
I'm off to the RE again in the morning, and I half expect to be telling you all that trigger is tomorrow night.  Either way, I'll be owing you a post tomorrow.  Until then.

(Oh, and for those who might be counting, this was my 200th post.  It should be more significant, but Hey, I'm gonna let it slide for now.)

03 November 2011

I cannot be trusted...

...with microdose Lupron, which must be kept refrigerated.  I have had two incidents in the last two days.

Incident one - I left it out, on the counter for three hours, while I went to dinner, and only thought about it after I crawled into bed.  Had to get back up again - put it in the fridge, have a freakout, and call the pharmacist in the morning.

Incident two - While trying to avoid a repeat of incident one, I asked Jakobe to "put it away" after I was done drawing up the Lupron injection.  I was sitting on the couch and trying to manage all three injections at once.  Unfortunately he heard "throw it away".  Oops.  There's an upside to this one.  Today is garbage day, so he took the garbage out last night.  And - it's November, so it cold outside.  A garbage can is like a fridge, right?  (I've been keeping it in the outer container, and miraculously, nothing got dirty...)

I cannot screw this up again, I may be out of free passes.

On a final note - I owe my nurse coordinator a bit of an apology.  I'm still irritated that it takes forever to hear back from her, but it was mostly the pharmacy's screw up.  They hadn't checked their voice-mail in hours when I got there.  She still called it in to the wrong pharmacy, but she did call it in to the right chain.  All is better now, and Jakobe started his antibiotics all over again last night.

31 October 2011

Lupron and Television

Sometimes what I watch on TV seems to fit right in with my life, and sometimes it doesn't.  Anyone following the story-line on Private Practice?  I just finished last week's episode, and all I can say is Yes, you've gotta have hope.  But lady - Hope kills.

And so do crazy hormonal women.  I'm having a rough enough time already, I don't really want to experience the full blown IVF hormonacoaster.  Plus - as much as I love Jakobe, he gets a perverse joy out of making sure I know exactly how crazy and bitchy I am.  Which is totally not fair, especially when he's being just as moody, if more predictable.

In any case, my first Lupron injection was tonight, and then as I was sitting there, feeling kind-of yucky and crampy i discovered that joy of joys now I'm spotting (or more, it *is* red) too.  and I can't figure out which day I'm supposed to be on for my damned fertility meditations....  I think I'll do day 1 tonight, and then day 3 tomorrow - I've gotta shortchange one or two of them, since I have about 10 days, to fit in twelve days of meditations.  I suppose I could meditate more than once a day...  a thought.

Here's to all of us surviving the next few days.  Me, Jakobe and Sasha.

I got smart - tonight I picked out tomorrow's clothes so that I don't have to figure it out in the morning, just find socks.  Speaking of socks - anyone know where I can find some awesome ones before Friday?  I'm just not ready for Christmas socks, and those were the only ones I found today.

06 April 2011

And so it begins

With me setting aside my clothes before I went to bed, because I was sure I was going to forget stuff in the morning.

With getting up very early, and not eating breakfast, and just trying to get out the door, but making sure that I downloaded Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations to Jakobe's kindle so that I could read my homework in the RE's waiting room.

With getting my blood drawn, not where I requested, but it worked, so I don't have to care.

With the absolute fastest ultrasound examination I have ever had in my life!  I described it to Jakobe as getting Wham-bam-dildo-cam'd and he asked me not to post that here (a request that I am blatantly ignoring - although I do love you honey) because it gave him a crude mental image.  I was surprised by how fast it was, but also because trying to see my right ovary hurt.  I shouldn't have been surprised, that's where I always hurt.... but I was anyway.

With good Labs:  Estrogen already coming up at 61.5, Progesterone staying where it should at 1.1, and my LH still coming in at a happy number of 4.4.

Relevant info from the Ultrasound (going off of what I heard the Dr. say):  Lining looks good, about where it should be 3x3? 5 follies on the left ovary, and 6 on the right.  I guess I can stop worrying about not having had regular flow...  It's probably not going to happen at this point.  Hopefully the stims will stop the spotting so that I can get back to enjoying Jakobe while we still have the chance.

Medication Instructions:

  • 225 IU of Follistim
  • 20 Unit of LoDose HCG

And Pooey - No migraine medication.  I'm allowed Tylenol, and only Tylenol.

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